18 Quick Tips for Blender and Cycles (#2)


    Get better at CG every day with this collection of Blender quick tips. Today, get ready to digest 18 Blender tricks, total productivity boosters.

    The previous episode (#1): 13 Quick Tips for Blender and Cycles #1

    Blender Tutorial Highlights

    1. Press Shift+R to repeat the action

    2. Copy-paste attributes

    3. Copy-paste objects across Blender scenes

    4. Flip the Camera view

    mirror camera in blender5. Preview luminosity in False Color

    false color luminosity6. Transparent background

    blender transparent background7. Compress .blend files

    8. Click and drag images to Blender

    9. Copy-paste attributes on hover

    10.CTRL + Mouse Wheel to scrub through the presets

    11. Emulate 3 button mouse

    12. What’s the path to Blender config in Windows?

    path to blender config windows13. ALT + LMB to select by depth

    14. SHIFT+CTRL+S to Save As

    15. CTRL+ALT+NUMPAD 0 to set the camera view

    camera view blender16. Ambient Occlusion in the Blender viewport

    17. Select grouped

    18. Create a circular hole

    circular hole blender

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    New Here?

    My name is Gleb Alexandrov, I’m a coffee maniac and the founder the Creative Shrimp blog which has an amazing following (I appreciate you!). I upload the video tutorials about computer graphics, Blender, 3D, art and various creative stuff.

    You can help by spreading the word and sharing the videos. I appreciate you!


    1. marcdraco

      Awesome Gleb – as always my friend.

    2. Hideaki Fpex

      hi Gleb -Awesome for the tip 14. I prefer to use F2 and the “+” on the numpad to increment save …

      • Thanks for the tip, Hideaki. I prefer the manual way of doing it, but that’s only my personal preference, you probably do it the right way.

    3. Thông Văn Trần


    4. Pingback: 26 Blender Tips for Supreme Productivity and Sexiness (#5) • Creative Shrimp

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